Newborn through 5th Grade

Our goal in That.Church Kids is to know Jesus and make Him known for every age in a safe and fun environment.

Early Childhood

0-2 Year Olds

Introduce your littlest ones to the wonder and Word of God through age-specific lessons, fun animation, activities, and more.

Newborn through 2 Years

3-4 Year Olds

We believe that our children are God’s greatest gift! We strive to help your child build trusting relationships and feel a sense of belonging by reaching out in love and understanding.


K-5th Grades

We experience awesome worship and a fun game together and then explore the Bible in an age appropriate, exciting way that helps grow a closer relationship with Christ.

K-5th Grade

Parents! This is what you need to know:

Our Lesson Series for the month

We believe that it is so important to teach the Word of God to our kids starting at a young age. We are passionate about teaching your kids how much God loves them and what His Word says about their life. This is what your kids will be learning about!

Two’s & Pre-K: We are learning how Jesus took a little boy’s lunch and prayed over it, then fed a crowd of more than 5,000 people with it! We know that God can do anything and help us when we are in need.

K-5th: We are in our BRAND NEW message series called “OFF THE RAILS!” We are learning how to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. We will see how to take our relationship with Him to a new level!

Fun days coming up:

February 9th – Team Spirit Day!
– Deck out in your favorite sport team’s gear!
February 16th – Bring a Blanket Sunday!
– Camp out with us as we learn our lesson by bringing a blanket with you to church!
Join us for Midweek!

On Wednesday nights during midweek, we have so much fun planned your kiddos! We will be having theme nights every night, amazing lessons, worship time, and even some crafts and snacks! Don’t miss out! The fun starts at 6:30pm in the Kids Areas.

Theme Nights: 

January 22nd- NEON NIGHT with a glow party and silly stringing leaders!

January 29th- CRAZY HAIR NIGHT – send your kids with the craziest hair!

February 5th- DISNEY NIGHT with Disney characters in the Kids lobby!

February 12th- PAJAMA NIGHT- send your kids dressed in their jammies (valentines day themed if they have them!)

Parent Resources

Let us help you fill in the gaps!