What are Community Groups?
Community Groups is a ministry that grows and connects within small groups, while building intentional relationships with Christ and one another. Community Groups will kick off again during the week of February 16th.
Ready to join us?
Sherwood Campus Community Groups
The Brands | Co-Ed Group
Hey, we're Eddy and LaQuetta Brand! That.Church for 4 years! Our group is perfect for anyone who wants to go deeper into the Word and build authentic community. Our group meets Thursday nights at 6:30 PM at 814 Brice Road, Sherwood Campus.
Connect with EddyRenee & Kathy | Women's Group
Hi, we are Renee and Kathy! We cannot wait to meet you! Renee co-leads our Connections Team and Kathy is part of our Guest Services team! They love connecting with women and meeting new people! This group meets Wednesdays at 6:30PM in the Sherwood Campus Lobby.
Connect with ReneeJohn & Steve | Men's Group
Steve & are Care Pastors at That.Church and faithfully lead so many men that attend here! If you are looking for a group on Wednesdays that digs deep in God's word, join this group! They meet at 6:00PM at 814 Brice Road, Sherwood (That.Church House).
Connect with SteveKaren Peeler | Women's Group
Karen is a veteran homeschool mom, full-time staff member, and leader of our Biblical Counseling Team. She has been married to Lin for 34 years! They have two adult daughters, two grandsons, and twin grandgirls! She has lived through many seasons! If you want to learn more about Jesus and build community, join this group! Karen's Group meets on Wednesdays at 6:00PM via Zoom and in the Church Office! TEXT 501-382-7447 for more info!
Connect with KarenThe Mulligans | Co-Ed Group
Hi, we're Pat and Leta Mulligan. We've been attending That.Church for 7 years! Our group is perfect for anyone at any adult stage of life. We can't wait to dig into the Word with you! Our group is on Thursdays at 6pm in the Sherwood Campus Lobby.
Connect with LetaThe Founds | Co Ed Group
Hey! We're James and Stephanie Founds. We've been attending That.Church for around two years. Our group is perfect for co-eds with or without kids, our 4 year old, Ellison will be attending so no worries if you need to bring your child. Our goal is to build friendships and our faith through community and learn about Gods word. Our group meets Wednesdays at 6pm in the level 1 kids area.
Connect with StephanieQuinta & Roshada | Women's Group
Hi! We are Quinta and Roshada! Quinta is newly married and altogether has 6 children and 6 grandchildren. Their group is small but intimate. They build on sisterhood and spreading the love of Jesus! Roshada has one son, Julian. Together, they have been a part of the church since 2019. Being able to feel a part of a group and share unfiltered and unjudged is what she loves about their group. Join them on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the Worship Center.
Connect with QuintaHope & Lanie | Co-Ed Group
Calling all young adults! We are Hope and Lanie! Hope is a recent college grad and Lanie is in her senior year at UCA. This group is perfect for any all young adults in whatever stage of life you may be in. We will be leading this group with guys and gals & ages 18-24 are welcome! We meet on Tuesdays at 6pm in a house on the Sherwood campus!
Connect with LanieSam & Sarah | Women's Group
Sam is a 50-year-old mom of 3, and she helps raise her teen granddaughter. She serves on the Foster/Adopt Team and in Student Ministry. Sarah is married and is a mom of 4, ranging from college to infant. They have women of all ages and stages and would love for you to join them. Their group meets at 6pm on Tuesdays at the Brice house on the Sherwood campus.
Connect with SamBrianna | Women's Zoom Group
Brianna has been attending That.Church for 8ish years. Her group is perfect for Moms, caretakers, chronic health sufferers. Her Group meets Tuesday nights at 6pm via Zoom.
Connect with BriTaylor & Kelsey | Women's Group
Taylor is a passionate, Jesus loving Wife and Mother of 2 beautiful girls. She serves on Guest Services! Kelsey is a mom of 2, devoted wife and serves in Kid's Ministry & Medical for Security Team! They both love connecting to women and helping them grow in their relationship with Jesus! Their group meets Wednesdays at 6pm in the Level 2 Kids Area.
Connect with TaylorZach Russenberger | Men's Group
Zach is the Connections Pastor at That.Church, husband, and Dad! He has faithfully attended That.Church for years. If you are looking for a group to connect with and learn more about God's word this is the group for you! This group meets Tuesdays at 6:30PM in the student building.
Connect with ZachGinger | Women's Group
Ginger is 63 and in the "empty nest but loves them grandkids" stage of life. She's been married to her husband for 27 years. She's been attending the church for 5 years. She loves learning all about who Jesus is and sharing Him with everyone she meets. Her group meets on Wednesdays at 6:30PM, in the Pre-K classroom.
connect with GingerThe Phillips | Co-Ed Group
Mark & Ashley are an amazing couple with years of experience following Jesus, being faith to the church and loving their family! Mark is one of our Care Pastors and if you want to dig deep into the word this is the group for you! Their group meets on Wednesdays at 6pm in the level 1 kids classroom.
connect with ashley
The Phillips | Co-Ed Group
Luke & Jaci serve on our Guest Services Team and do an amazing job greeting first time guests each week! They have a beautiful family! They meet Wednesday evenings off campus. If you are looking for a co-ed group to learn more about Jesus! Connect with Luke by emailing him at [email protected]!
Melissia & Michaela | Women's Group
Melissia is married with three children and is a part of the lead team for security at That Church, and she is in the Air Force! Michaela is married and has 1 sweet little girl and is a part of our First Time Guest team at That Church! She also runs an in-home daycare. Together, they are navigating the blended family life in a way that honors God. They meet on Tuesday evenings at 6pm at Romas Italian Restaurant!
CONNECT WITH MELISSIAJeannie Smith | Zoom Women's Group
Hi I'm Jeannie! Yes, my hair is really red. Yes, I can be fairly feisty at times, but I love Jesus and learning more about Him. I love to join together with other women to learn more about our endless Jesus. For those affected by alcoholism, addiction, hurt, and grief, I know Jesus has the answer. If we seek Him, we will find Him. What a great promise! Ladies, come join me as we seek Him and His answers. This group meets Wednesday nights at 7:30pm on Zoom.
Connect with JeannieKatie & Macie | Women's Group
Hi, I’m Katie! I have been attending That.Church & serving with our Kids Ministry for 12 years. Like a true Kids volunteer, I like to make learning to live like Jesus loud & fun! Maci serves on the worship team and is a mom, wife, and faithful friend!! They can’t wait to hang out with you & dive deeper into what God has for us. Women of all ages & stages are welcome! See you Wednesdays at 6:30 in the Level 1 Kids VIP room!
Connect with KatieSandy Mitchell | Women's Group
Sandy MitchellI is a wife, mother, grandmother, and most of all, a follower of Christ. She been married going on 37 years in October. Sandy enjoys meeting new people and uplifting and encouraging others! Sandy is part of the Care Team and has attended That.Church for many years! Her group meets Wednesdays at 6:30PM in the Nursery.
Connect with SandyLin Peeler | That.Church Grief Care
Grief Care is led by Lin Peeler, LAC and Care Pastor. Grief Care is a group focused on growing closer to Jesus during the grieving process. If you need support, care, or prayer after the loss of a child, spouse, or loved one, please join us. No matter where you are in your grieving process you are welcome to attend. This group meets on Wednesdays at 6:00PM at the Sherwood Campus in the family room.
Register for this group here!That.Church Financial Peace
Join Andrew & Carmen for a 4 week study focused on money management God's way! Learn what the Bible says about money and gather tools to get out of debt and be a cheerful giver! This is a 4 week study from our series called "Goin' for Broke." This group will meet on Monday's at 6pm!
Register for this group hereThat.Church Divorce Care
Divorce Care is designed to help you grow through the loss and transition of divorce. We offer one-on-one support times throughout the week. Email [email protected] for more info or to sign up! Jesus cares and so do we!
Connect with Divorce CareThat.Church FaithRecovery
Faith Recovery is a That.Church faith-based recovery ministry full of individuals who lean on Jesus and each other to establish, maintain and strengthen our recovery. This group is overseen by our Recovery pastor, Parker Blake. This group meets on Monday nights at 6pm at Sherwood Campus. This group meets year round. Email: [email protected] or Text 501-382-7447 for more info!
Connect with Faith RecoveryCabot Campus Community Groups
Jessika and Laura | Women's Group
Laura and Jessika are both interns here at That.Church! They are young moms and would love to have you join their group! They meet on Wednesdays at 6:30pm at the cabot campus.
Connect with LauraThe Parkisons | Co-Ed Group
Clint is a stay at home father/trophy husband and Megan is a veterinarian. Clint and Megan have a 6 year old son & a 3 year old daughter. Clint and Megan serve in kids ministry and have been a part of That.Church for years. Feel free to bring your kiddos to group! Their group meets at 6:30PM on Wednesdays at the Cabot Campus.
Connect with Clint and MeganScott Pits | Men's Group
Scott is part of our Pointman lead team. He also serves on our Production Team. This is a great group for any guy wanting to dig deeper in God’s word and with other men!Scott's group meets on Wednesday nights at the Cabot Campus at 6:30PM.
Connect with ScottJonathan and Bandens | Men's Group
Johnathan and Branden serve on the production Team. They are also involved in Pointman - That.Church Men's ministry. Their Group meets Wednesdays at 6:30PM at the Cabot campus.
Connect with JonathanThe Kyzers | Co-Ed Group
Richard and Alicia both serve on our Guest Services team. They would love to have you join their group! Their group meets Wednesdays at 7:00PM at the Cabot Campus.
Connect with AliciaAbby Barkhimer | Women's Group
Abby has been married to her husband, Donnie, for 5 years. They have a son, Ewan, who is 10 months old along with 4 fur babies (2 cats and 2 dogs). She is an elementary teacher who loves reading and hanging out with her family.
Connect with AbbyDebbie Evatt | Women's Group
Debbie is widowed & retired from Dillards after 41 years of service. Debbie loves to travel, read, work jigsaw puzzels, spend time with her 7 grandkids, and her furbaby Toby. Ladies, feel free to bring your kiddos with you! Debbie's group meets on Thursdays at 12PM at the Cabot campus.
Connect with DebbieThe Lansford's | Co-Ed Group
Rusty and Lisa have been married 10 years. He is an aircraft mechanic and she’s a nurse. They have a whole slew of kids and grandkids! They have been attending That Church for about eight years. They both love all things outdoors. Their community group will be held in their home on Monday evenings at 6pm.
Connect with The Lansford'sAlyssa Nemeth | Womens Group
I have been married to my husband, Jacob for 9 years. We have 3 beautiful children. I enjoy being outdoors, working out, family game nights, serving in student ministry, and hitting up the 7brew drive thru. My Group Meets Monday nights!
Connect with AlyssaSign up for a Community Group!
Have questions or need help choosing a group? Complete the form below and let us know!